Project Reality 1.3 RELEASED!

F2P tactical masterpiece on the BF2 engine and it's successor

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Re: Project Reality 1.3 RELEASED!

Post by Bonkin » Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:46 pm

Graphics do look poor. How does it compare to Arma? I'd really like to get some FPS action with ACG members. I think we could have a blast - it's just about finding a suitable time during the week. My time on Arma with Hindsight/Jav etc was brilliant fun. Lots of Yankie drawl over the comms as well regarding varying ways of strategically injecting peace was hilarious.

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Re: Project Reality 1.3 RELEASED!

Post by Geordie » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:13 pm

Bonkin wrote:Graphics do look poor. How does it compare to Arma? I'd really like to get some FPS action with ACG members. I think we could have a blast - it's just about finding a suitable time during the week. My time on Arma with Hindsight/Jav etc was brilliant fun. Lots of Yankie drawl over the comms as well regarding varying ways of strategically injecting peace was hilarious.
The time on Arma I remember most fondly is all of the Amercian lot dying in the town centre. It ended up with you and I inside a building shooting down the street then seeing a helicopter out of now where gunning everything down.
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Re: Project Reality 1.3 RELEASED!

Post by Dickie » Tue Jun 02, 2015 4:27 pm

It's based on BF2 so it will look shit, but the gameplay as an FPS is superb and players are rewarded with victory through squad and team play.

The sequel is here, in beta test: ... =74&t=4197

And there is a kickstarter for it.

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Re: Project Reality 1.3 RELEASED!

Post by Sokka » Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:35 pm

I've played a couple of sessions now, and the graphics are not a problem at all IMO, with good teamwork its great and 2/3 of my experiences in the last couple of days, the strangers have been helpful to newbies and fairly communicative. Looking forward to playing it a lot more in the future and now seems to be the perfect time to jump in.

Comparing to Arma is not very useful, perhaps comparing to Tactical Battlefield -mod/game mode for it is (it's for all intents and purposes PR for Arma3 at the moment), but literally nothing comes close to the scope, scale and versatility of Arma and the million ways to play it.

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Re: Project Reality 1.3 RELEASED!

Post by Javelina » Wed Jun 03, 2015 12:55 am

Bonkin wrote:Graphics do look poor. How does it compare to Arma? I'd really like to get some FPS action with ACG members. I think we could have a blast - it's just about finding a suitable time during the week. My time on Arma with Hindsight/Jav etc was brilliant fun. Lots of Yankie drawl over the comms as well regarding varying ways of strategically injecting peace was hilarious.
Agree buddy, that sure was some fun! Loved those ArmA Saturdays. We'll get something going again, I'm sure of it. :salute:

I remember the one mission where Hindsight was driving the MRAP with all of us in it. He couldn't drive worth a sh*t, and ended up putting us right into an ambush... or was that Wolf? (Wolf was talking sh*t most of the mission anyway). :lol:
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Re: Project Reality 1.3 RELEASED!

Post by Javelina » Wed Jun 03, 2015 12:57 am

Geordie wrote:
Bonkin wrote:Graphics do look poor. How does it compare to Arma? I'd really like to get some FPS action with ACG members. I think we could have a blast - it's just about finding a suitable time during the week. My time on Arma with Hindsight/Jav etc was brilliant fun. Lots of Yankie drawl over the comms as well regarding varying ways of strategically injecting peace was hilarious.
The time on Arma I remember most fondly is all of the Amercian lot dying in the town centre. It ended up with you and I inside a building shooting down the street then seeing a helicopter out of now where gunning everything down.
If it was indiscriminate shooting, it was probably Vill's at the controls of that chopper!! (that War Criminal!)
Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Ultra, i7-9700k (4.9ghz all cores), NH-D15 cooler, 64 GB CL-14 3200mhz RAM, RTX3090FE, Soundblaster Z, Yamaha 5.1 A/V, 2x 512GB Samsung NVMe, 1x 1TB Samsung NVMe, Win 10 Pro, TM Warthog, Virpil WarBRD, MFG Crosswinds, 43" Samsung 4K TV, 21.5 Acer VT touchscreen, TrackIR, JetSeat KW-908, Reverb G2, Wheel Stand Pro Super Warthog, Phanteks Enthoo Pro Full Tower Case, EVGA 850P2 PSU, PointCTRL

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Re: Project Reality 1.3 RELEASED!

Post by Dickie » Fri Jun 05, 2015 7:45 am

Since the 1.3 release the PR servers have gone apeshit. 14,000 downloads and 1000's online on week nights where previously there were 250. It's good, but also bad, because so many utter twats who don't know what they are doing. Fuck I was screaming at a medic to heal me the other night and the cunt did fuck all.

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Re: Project Reality 1.3 RELEASED!

Post by Villiers » Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:08 pm

Osprey wrote:Since the 1.3 release the PR servers have gone apeshit. 14,000 downloads and 1000's online on week nights where previously there were 250. It's good, but also bad, because so many utter twats who don't know what they are doing. Fuck I was screaming at a medic to heal me the other night and the cunt did fuck all.

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Re: Project Reality 1.3 RELEASED!

Post by Dickie » Wed Feb 03, 2016 10:19 pm

PR Master server DDOS'd to death, down until at least the weekend :cry: ... -down.html

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Re: Project Reality 1.3 RELEASED!

Post by Goat » Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:40 am

Kuntz wrote:PR Master server DDOS'd to death, down until at least the weekend :cry: ... -down.html
Seriously... what in the fuck is with all of the DDOSing lately? Did a new generation of 11 year old fucking cunt script kiddies learn how to copy-paste in Minecraft or something!?!

"Mommy says I can't pway Pwoject Weawity... Fuck those guys..." As the neighbor is DDOSing his mom and slamming her head against the wall that borders his bedroom.

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