And PR players wanting to set a date to play?

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And PR players wanting to set a date to play?

Post by Spectre » Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:45 pm

So a lot of my friends have picked up Squad and... well hated it, which was a shame because no matter how much I try and convince them PR is actually better and although the graphics are dated it plays much more fluidly and has a better community and a much broader amount of content.

So if anyone would like to try and set up a team(s) and play I would love too, I don't mind taking the lead if that's peoples condition but I prefer myself to be a more experienced 2IC and offer advice as I play a more general role.

EDIT: Title should be "*Any PR players wanting to set a date to play?"
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Re: And PR players wanting to set a date to play?

Post by Dickie » Thu Apr 27, 2017 8:53 am

Toxic and myself are PR players but we've not played for a while. I love it. Geordie can play it and I think there are one or two more. Toxic is bloody good, I would use him as a squad leader. I can lead but I'm only 'ok', I usually take the LMG though. We would have to get PR night or at least be ready to jump in PR or at least arrange occasional missions.

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Re: And PR players wanting to set a date to play?

Post by Spectre » Thu Apr 27, 2017 8:02 pm

I am EST so it would be a bit late on your end as I get off work at 4:00pm EST which is around 9 for you, so maybe Saturdays?
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Re: And PR players wanting to set a date to play?

Post by Dickie » Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:20 am

Yeah but I wouldn't rely on me cos I don't actually do that much gaming. If there was a bunch of us I could make it a date, otherwise the most I've played PR is when I've been on an early shift and finished my missions so have jumped in.

I do want a go at the Falklands though, haven't tried it since launch.

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