As always started in the cokpit drilling out some holes for extra detail and fitting a ton of photo etch which got quite tiresome in the end.

I then black based the model to give some modulation under the Paint.

This is a picture of the plane after paint with gloss coat and decals applied.

Bit of a Nightmare when this decal ripped and I left it for a week or two in annoyance.

Bought some Vallejo model air Signal blue and used a mix of rlm 23 and black to spray the decal damage. Managed to snag the cannon in my T shirt and snap the end of in the process ><.

Nightmare number 2 the interior green base i used for the cockpit had got under the mask and stained the front screen. Blondi suggested using a touch of thinners on a cotton bud and luckily it came off.

Did some initial weathering.

Wasn't happy with the effect so ordered some different shade oils and set to work. Was worried I went to far before i gave it a satin clear coat but I really like the finished effect.

Paints used were Mainly Mr Hobby Aqeuos, some 3rd gen Ak interactive for the Azure blue and interior Green, Tamiya Clears. Oils were a mix of cheapo Works stuff and a dust shade by Abteilung with Ak interactive odourless thinner.