RAF From 540. Flight reports from the 2nd Battle of Britain Campaign. Only ACG RAF can post
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by Bonkin » Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:50 pm
These are excellent! Keep them coming... sounds like Flick had a good time

Quite miserable now. Wish I'd been there. Did anyone record any comms?
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by Dickie » Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:25 pm
No but I think we should do that and some tracks for you.
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by Vukac » Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:02 pm
November 24: Form 540
No.64 Squadron
Spitfires MkII-SH-C(Charlie)
Place: Worthlydown
First take off the yellow group, 3 spitfireMkII.I followed the leader all the time, SVR until we saw two groups of bombers.But, as the istorijke records, BF109 is always 2-3000ft above the bombers in the clouds.Two mesersmiths had the element of surprise.Yellow leader is going to dive , and to me they both started messers.I lost my weapon on the right wing, but I think I'm a little Messer damaged.I've reduced the throttle, reducing p.pich to 10%, and went down.I tried to land on my stomach, but suddenly materialized in front of me and building boom.

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by Tyrone » Mon Nov 25, 2013 9:52 pm
November 24th
No.64 -SH-T
red flight about to take off but had to abandon take-off and skid off runway to avoid collision got plane reset and scrambled to catch back with red flight as we circled climbed to 20k plus loud reports of multiple contacts,we seen the luftwafffe try to circle back on us as the dogfight got messy I was about to go guns on a panicking 109 then BOOM BOOM BOOM maelek from JG/ got the perfect shot me with those noisy cannons and was kia will come back with a vengeance and cant wait till next week well done gang
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by Vranac » Mon Nov 25, 2013 9:58 pm
540 Report
November 24
Takeoff from Worthydown as leader of Yellow flight after enemy raid was reported. We formed up with Pink and Red flight and headed
to the Isle of Wight. We climbed to 20.000 ft and spotted the bomber formations and escorts with some of them higher then us.
Bounder reported that we are followed by pair of 109s and I saw one group in front of us and another at our 10 o'clock.
I attacked that closest ones but two of them dived so I turned to check if that pair still following us. Then hell broke, the higher ones
started diving on us and after few maneuvers I had one on my six sneaking from below fast. I managed to outmaneuver him
and got on his six but he dived and I didn't shot him good enough.
Situation cleared and SL Gromic called for help over Portsmouth. I was close and dove from 16.000 ft but didn't see the enemy.
Then some pilots reported fights over the Isle of Wight. I went there and saw five aircraft fighting low at the East coast.
When I closed there was two 109's at least. Picked one and gave him good burst so he went down in smoke. The second one was trying to
shot down one Hurricane, he avoided attack and 109 left him in a shallow climb. I couldn't really catch him but gave him two three
short bursts from 300-400 ft and after 30 sec he bailed.
Command was given to RTB so I landed.
Destroyed: 2 Me109
Pilot and Aircraft OK

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by Looky » Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:04 pm
We anxiously awaited enemy raids to be picked up on radar.
Eventually the call came....Scramble Scramble......
Large raid detected 30 miles south of Isle of White angels 20 heading north.
As usual 64 quickly taxied to the threshold and took off in perfect formation and started our climb to intercept.
On climb out i took a quick look over my shoulder to see many hurricanes in disarray on the field....probably 501 i thought.
On approach to isle of white the raid was spotted east of us with some high cover and we turned to intercept.
We had to avoid the bombers and engage the large group of 109 escorts.
Over the radio i could here some hurricane pilots lost and unable to find the enemy...aaahhh 501 again i thought to myself.
Upto 64 again to save the day.
The battle with the 109s worked its way down to deck over the next 20 minutes with myself sharing a kill with two other valient 64 pilots.
Unfortunately most of the enemy bombers made it to target with minimal losses and turned south to head home.
The 109 pilots did a good job at keeping us busy while the bombers got through.

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by McTavish » Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:53 pm
I was tasked with flying in the No.4 slot of the 4 ship flight designated PINK. 64 Squadron was given the order to scramble first and we hurriedly got our engines started and taxied. This was one of the most dangerous parts of the sortie for myself, nearly crashing into a poor old Hurricane that suddenly appeared in front in me during taxi. The Spitfire does have very poor forward visibility on the ground but I swear it appeared out of nowhere. Quick responses on brakes saved the day (and two kites), will be more aware from here on out.
Flight leader experienced engine malfunction just prior to take off but we had to get airborne regardless It didn’t take him much time to switch aircraft ,and regrouping, we were soon heading south at angles 19k in search of the reported contacts.
Radio blurted out a contact call, tally large formation of bombers with multiple fighter escorts. PINK flight turned onto the intercept course. Checking T’s and P’s, check fuel, set sights, check radiator, I was ready for my first contact with the Hun. What I wasn’t ready for was the 4 contrails now bearing down on us from our high ten o Clock. Taking action PINK flight quickly banked to the left and started to claw upwards toward the 109’s. The scene was spectacular I entered into my first dogfight and a voice in head telling me to check 6, check 6, get back alive!
Flight leader took a hard left bank to engage and I was thrown out of formation, as I was trying to regain position when a 109 came down from my high 7 O clock position. I rolled the aircraft into a left hand bank and steadily increased G to deny the shot. The defensive manoeuvre caused me to lose sight PINK flight and I was not to regroup again during the remainder of the sortie.
I then tallied gaggle of aircraft dogfighting over the Solent and confirmed visual contact with a 109, made the radio call and engaged. I positioned for a shot but disengaged before shooting due to tracer fire passing from my 5 O Clock. I did not spot the shooting aircraft and disengaged from the gaggle completely. Extending and returning to the fight I found myself on the tail of a venting 109 that was escaping to the south of the AO. I gave chase for a few miles but broke off having no support.
I RTB’d following the coast from Lee on Solent to Southampton and then up towards Winchester to pancake back at Worthydown.
Kills: None
Aircraft: Serviceable
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by Luke » Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:03 pm
Combat Report: November 24th
No.64 -SH-R
Got fired up im my spitfire and formed on the runway as No 3 of PINK Group. Took off from worthydown with hurricanes following and formed on Gromic. After circling the airfield waiting for Nitrous to form up and take the lead of PINK group we then head south west towards Southampton and the isle of white. After climbing up to around 20'000ft we spotted the hun on their way to southampton. A large group of 30+ JU-88's with lots of fighter cover above> when we caught up to the bombers they have already reached southampton and dropped their payload and were then engaged by a large group of 109's that were giving fighter cover for the bombers. After being engaged it got messy. I was cut off from my group and was being sixed by 109's at around 16'000ft south of southampton. After getting rid of the hun I saw a lonely 109 just south of southampton at around 9000ft I dove down and shot the hell out of him and then started to climb as hit plane was out of the game. The comms were going nuts of people giving positions of the bombers and dogfights happening over the isle of white and around southampton.
After a some time of searching for the dogfights I eventually found a dogfight just off of the coast of sandown under 500ft consisting of 2 109's and at least 2 spitfires, one of which was Vranac. I engaged one of the 109's giving a two second burst of my guns into his plane. His rads went and he broke off to run home. I followed the 109 south west of sandown for around 5 mins before his engine started to give up on him. I caught up to his plane and then gave him another burst of my guns and he plummeted into the sea I then disengaged and RTB to worthydown as I was low on fuel and out of ammunition. Arriving at worthydown I made a decent landing followed by two hurrincanes.
1 confirmed Kill
1 shared
1 possible

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by Gromic » Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:12 pm
McTavish wrote:
Flight leader took a hard left bank to engage and I was thrown out of formation, as I was trying to regain position when a 109 came down from my high 7 O clock position.
Sounds familiar.
Nitrous wrote:
"ey Göring ya ole' fart. We gots lots o' E to burn so we's a gonna turn 'dis here spaetfire on da dime an blow it all ta hell. Ya go a'head anda saddle on 'r sixus suckas 'cause ya can catch us nows afda blowin' y'er merge. We likes them thar pretty 109s on 'r asses makin' us look classy."
I shall now return to beverly.

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by Bully » Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:42 pm
November 24th
Hurricane (100 oct) SD-B
Took off, flew around a bit, tried to shoot a 109 but missed, got shot at, moved around a bit more, got shot at again suffering engine damage, RTB an airfield on the Isle of Wight. Pub.
Pilot: OK, Slightly Wounded
Plane: Repairs
Claims: None
Sorry for short version of this, I spent ages typing it up in notepad, but stupidly didn't save it.

so lost it. Will re-write if I can later