Mission 7 : September 1940

RAF From 540. Flight reports from the 2nd Battle of Britain Campaign. Only ACG RAF can post

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Re: No.64 Squadron SoW campaign reports

Post by Bounder » Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:07 pm

Mission 7 (12/08/12):
Duration: 58 minutes
Spitfire I

Took off from Kenley for the final SoW campaign mission in a Spitfire mark I, formed up with 64 as number 3. We climbed north heading to central London in search of 501 squadron, reaching 19,000 feat. Contacts were reported via comms and radar making their way toward the Thames Estuary. 64 made contact with the enemy who were following the Thames toward London, at first contacts were spotted lower, perhaps at ~10,000 feat. As the second 64 squad dove to attack the lower contacts, Nitrous, Gromic and myself made contact with 109s at co-altitude and engaged. Little bit of a slide show but no-where near as bad as last week. Got onto the six of a 109 and got good hits, 109 went evasive but due to damage I was able to stay with him and kept plugging away - pursued 109 east where the 109 pilot eventually bailed just east of the south eastern tip of Essex. Climbing back toward the Thames, Nitrous and Fennris reported 109s at Southend, managed to find Nitrous who was pursuing a 109 but as I arrived the 109 had broken and escaped. Searching for the 109 I made contact with a group of bombers, Heinkels at 10,000 feet moving west along the Thames. As I moved closer, coming up on the bomber formation at their 7-8 o'clock position I could make out a number of distant contacts, possibly single engine fighters behind the Heinkels. I made a move for one of the Heinkels and took his wing off, he went down in a fireball with crew bailing. Shortly after dispatching one of the Heinkels I made contact with a 109 and went evasive at 10,000 feet. I was shortly joined by another 109 who managed to get a good angled shot into my left wing and cockpit as I evaded his friend. I split-S and dove toward Southend but the 109s did not give up, pursuing me down, looking back I could see 2 following closely and another 2 not far behind them. Took more damage which disrupted my controls and could only maneuver by rudder, with little control I attempted to lose the 109s on the deck in amongst the tress and buildings but I could not and went down to my death west of Southend, possibly near to Basildon (my rl birthplace no less!).

Claims: one bf109 destroyed; one Heinkel destroyed.
Pilot: KIA
Plane: SH-B destroyed
My PC specs: Win10 64 Pro, CPU i7-3820 4.4GHz, 16GB RAM, GPU Nvidia 1070 (8gb vram).
Controls: Microsoft FFB2, Thrustmaster Warthog Throttle, MFG Crosswind Pedals, TrackIR5, & a bottle of Scotch.

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Mission 7 : September 1940

Post by Robo » Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:24 pm

Mission No.7 (12.8.2012)

Duration - 57 minutes
Hurricane Mk.I (de Havilland propeller), SD-R

Gravesend - patrol above London area as leader of Gold section, climbing to altitude of Angels 16, large bomber formation spotted below us by Valec, flying in 2 groups above the Island of Dogs, heading west. Gold section attacked immediately, pilot Drake destroying one He-111, Valec another one. Bf 109s reported in the area (performance was really bad, very low FPS), I only fired a short burst on my bomber and better broke away immediately. Gold 2 (Valec) got under attack and S/D over central London. I scored good hits on one Bf 109, pilot broke away and escaped in a steep dive which I didn't follow. Impossible to form up with the rest of the flight, I attacked another He-111 and fired a long burst from 300 yards, port engine smoking, losing altitude and limping behind the main formation. At this moment I spotted pair of 109s, one of which tried to attack me. I was in a nice dogfight with him, gaining angles, when a Spitfire joined me and to my surprise fired a quick burst at me. I broke away so he can see my markings and followed him as he attacked the enemy - I confirm his kill as the e/a plunged vertically into the ground after his good attack. I did not fire at this e/a. Second 109 came back, probably his wingman, which I attacked succesfully. Heavily damaged, he dove away, started to gain distance, but in the end the pilot baled out over Estuary, not too far from Leigh on See. Continued patrol in this area but being on my own and low on fuel (flew my Hurricane at 3000rpm for most of the time) I decided to rtb back to Gravesend.

I claim 1x He-111 damaged, 1x He-111 heavily damaged (probably destroyed), 1x Bf 109 damaged and 1x Bf 109 destroyed in cooperation
Pilot: ok
Plane: SD-R ok

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Re: No.501 SoW campaign reports

Post by Dickie » Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:31 pm

Mission No.7 (12.8.2012)

Hurricane Mk.I DH.
K for King

My ground crew had some trouble with my machine so I ordered the squadron to scramble without me in red and gold sections. I got away 5 minutes behind and headed to London in a fierce climb after the skirts in FC told us that a big Jerry raid was inbound from the East toward London at angels 12. I had barely formed up with red section at angels 17 when we spotted 40+ hun nearing the capital, Christ knows what they were up to this time. I immediately ordered red and gold sections to attack but to be aware that 109's were in the area. I performed a split S behind the tail end of the group with the plan to go through the formation squirting where I could. One of the section recognised them as a Dorniers but at 800yds I confirmed Heinkels. Too late to change my gunsight, I was bearing down at 350mph. I gave a good squirt to the starboard engine of one and he started to belt black smoke and fall away, though since he fell to port it may have been another, I was past them in a flash. I got another squirt from 200 to 100 yards on a second scoring hits inside the starboard engine again, I got a bit close and was upset to see the bloody mess I had made of the ventral gunner - still, that'll teach him what happens when you think you can bully England! I went vertical and looped over for a second run, as I approached the tail another Hurricane had the same idea so I aborted and went underneath for the leading group scoring great damage to the fuselage and starboard engine of a third Heinkel just as the bastard was dropping eggs on civilians. They are little devils! It was at that point I heard loud bangs on my machine shattering the armoured glass but given the defensive fire I though it was a gunner from one of the bombers. To my dismay as I pulled out of firing range I check my six and there was a bloody yellow nosed bastard on me. I tried to move but he fired and I lost my ailerons and a lot of gauges plus my gunsight, but my break avoided him. I looked up and he was coming in again so I thought it best to get out. I told the squadron on the RT before unplugging it and the oxygen, undid my Sutton harness and slid back the canopy. I had expected to force a roll but I was sucked out immediately and parachuted into central Islington. Being in flight gear and near evening it saved the RAF some 100 octane because we had already planned a night out and it was free drinks for me just from wearing my Irvine jacket in the bar.

1x He-111 damaged
2x He-111 probable

1x Hurricane I DH

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